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Real Dog Adventures is now accepting cryptocurrencies!

If you have never used a cryptocurrency before, getting set up is pretty easy. Below are instructions for how to create a wallet, buy Bitcoin, Etherium, or Litecoin, and send/receive payments to/from your wallet. There are many different ways to do this, but the following method is one of the easiest:

Step 1 - Sign up at Coinbase

- Create an account at Coinbase to purchase Bitcoin, Litecoin, or Etherium.
To minimize the cost of transaction fees, Litecoin is recommended:

If you use the link above and buy $100 of any currency within 30 days, we each get $10, which is neat.


Step 2 - Set up two-factor authentication

- You will need to install an authenticator app on your phone. Google Authenticator, available for Android iOS, is recommended. When logging in or sending currency, you will need to enter the 6 digit authentication code found in the app.

Step 3 - Getting verified

- Verifiy your identity by uploading a picture of your ID. This process is not instantaneous, and can take up to a day or two.

Step 4 - Linking a payment method to your account

- Go to the "Buy/Sell" tab and under "Payment Method" select "Add New Account". If you choose to pay direct from your bank account, the fees are low, and you will generally need to wait up to 5-7 days before receiving the coins you've purchased, but you get the price of the currency locked in at the time of your purchase. If you pay with a credit card, you will get the coins you purchased almost immediately, but the fees are higher.

- You can also wire money to Coinbase by going to the "Accounts" section, and in the "USD Wallet" clicking on the "Deposit" button. I believe this has a flat $10 fee, and clears within a couple days. After which point you can take possession of purchases instantly.

Step 5 - Buying Litecoin, or Etherium

- Go to the "Buy/Sell" tab.
- On the "Buy" tab, select the currency you wish you purchase.
- Select your payment method
- Enter either the dollar amount of cryptocurrency you wish to purchase in the box on the left OR the amount of cryptocurrency you wish to purchase in the box on the right.
- Review your order on the right side of the window before clicking the big blue "Buy" button at the bottom.

Litecoin has the lowest fees on Coinbase, but If you want to pay extra low fees (~0.25%), go to and log in using your Coinbase login info. Gdax and Coinbase share the same back-end exchange, they are two heads of the same giant. You can move your money between the Coinbase and Gdax interface instantly and without fees.

Step 6 - Sending Currency Using Coinbase

- Go the "Accounts" tab.
- Click the "Send" button for the currency you wish to send.
- On your invoice, copy the alpha-numeric address for the currency you wish use.


- Paste the address into the "Recipient" box.
- Enter the amount you wish to send.
- Please include a message with your name and the number for the invoice you are paying.
- Click continue to complete transaction.

That's it! Mission accomplished!

Cryptocurrencies Accepted

Bitcoin BTC
Litecoin LTC
Bitcoin Cash
Bitcoin Cash BCH
Etherium ETH
Bitcoin Gold
Bitcoin Gold BTG
Etherium Classic
Etherium Classic ETC
Dogecoin DOGE
Monero XMR

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